Thursday, May 31, 2012


Sepertinya banyak juga yang mencari cheat team buddies, ok lah aq coba copas aja cheatnya.

  • Pause game play and enter these:
    Note: Cheat codes like Instant shape building must be activated again for each new level.
    Gives Heavy weapon.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Triangle, X, Square(x2)
    Gives Rocket boots.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Triangle, Square(x2), Triangle
    Instant shape building.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Square(x2), Circle(x2)
    Return to SEnderwhen pause mode press and hold (R1+R2+L1+L2) then push circle,circle,square,square
    Skip World.Hold L1+L2+R2 then press R1 at the information panel in the Rotunda
    Unlocks all levels and worlds.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Triangle, Circle, Square(x2)
    Contributed By: Hydra_Kirby and hadiantz.
  • Misc. Codes

    Pause the game, hold L1,L2,R1 and R2 together and enter the following:
    All crates powered upCircle, X, X, Circle
    Big FeetTriangle, Square, Square, X
    Big GunsTriangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle
    Easy Buddy BuildCircle, Circle, X, Circle
    Easy Gun BuildCircle, Circle, X, X
    Easy Gun BuildingCircle, Circle, X, X
    Finish building your shapeSquare, Square, Circle, Circle
    First special weaponTriangle, X, X, X
    Infinite AmmoTriangle, X, Circle, Square
    Infinite HealthTriangle, Triangle, X, X
    Infinite jetpack powerSquare, Square, Triangle, Triangle
    InvincibilitySquare, Circle, X, Triangle
    InvincibilityX, Triangle, Square, Circle
    Invincible BaseTriangle, X, X, Triangle
    Jetpack cheatSquare, Square, Triangle, Triangle
    Level SkipCircle, Square, X, X
    Level SkipCircle, Square, X, X
    Refill team ammoX, X, Triangle, Triangle
    Refill team healthTriangle, Triangle, X, X
    Second special weaponX, X, X, Triangle
    Super CratesCircle, X, X, Circle
    Unlimited AmmoCircle, Square, Triangle, X
    Contributed By: Lagunathemoron, Mike Truitt, and Deacon Swain.


Bomb Ball Modes

Beside Capture the Flag, Domination, and Time attack, there is Bomb Ball game mode. This game mode is available only in multiplayer mode. It's just like playing a football, only it's more like Football Frenzy. Available on two players or four player levels.
UnlockableHow to Unlock
Bomb Ball modeGet at least 10 Gold Medals.


  1. kok cheatnya nggak bisa ke pake di psxfin ya..?
    knp ya gan..?

  2. harus single player gan, jangan di multi player :)

  3. di psxeven juga gk bisa

  4. Agan gk serius Buat Postingnya
    kynya gk di tess semua Passwordnya ada beberapa yg keliru, dan code yg sama

  5. kan ini harus pakai Joystik, di aku work kok ^^

  6. Saat start,jagn lepas tombol r1r2l1l2nya lalu tekanntombol kodenya ingat jgn lepas 4 tombol pertama saat start,dantekan tombol lainnya

  7. Gak bisa, gan. Dulu ane pernah work, tp lupa gimana. Entah settingannya gimana.

  8. Kalo dari andoid bisa engga? Saya gabisa pake kode nya ga aktif aktif


Jangan nyepam ya...